NooJ grammars for Italian transformational analysis
a brief outline
DOI :és :
NooJ, NooJ Local Grammars, Italian Transformational Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Finite State Automata, GraphsRésumé
As known, Transformational Grammar (TG) focuses on bidirectional relationships between sentences sharing the same lexical material, in some cases also the same meaning, but always differing in terms of formal structure and word distribution. We represent such relationships with the symbol “=” (equal to). For instance, we can connect a declarative sentence to its negative and/or passive forms. Similarly, we can connect complex sentences to the respective simple sentences, which make them up, such as sentences with reciprocal verbs and collective subjects, obtained through the coordination of two simple sentences. According to Maurice Gross [1] and Max Silberztein [2,3], examples of possible transformations are those going from declarative sentences to Interrogatives, Pronominalization, Juxtapositions, or other processes producing the so-called Mirror Transformations. In addition, two or more transformations can operate simultaneously on a declarative sentence.
Gross, M. (1973). Grammaire transformationnelle du francais: Syntaxe du verbe. Cantilène, Paris
Silberztein, M. (2003 - ). The NooJ Manual. Available for download at:
Silberztein, M. (2016). Formalizing Natural Languages: The NooJ Approach. ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc, London. EAN: 9781848219021
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