Advances in the morphology of the adjective in spanish and french

a pedagogical application of the NooJ platform




automatic processing, NooJ, morphology, Spanish adjective, French adjective


In our CETEHIPL1 , we assumed that during the metalinguistic reflection in the interaction between a learner and a computer-based tool, there is a generation of knowledge about a specific language, with direct implications on the learning process. At this point, NooJ, linguistic development environment software created by Max Silberztein (2015) (2016), provides us with an ideal platform to compare languages. Since each linguistic module is created based on a common-based structure, NooJ allows us to automatically process specific data from the two languages of study of this work: Spanish and French. In this way, we intend to actively overcome the fragmentation of knowledge between the Mother Tongue and a Foreign Language, especially when teaching language at high school. Such fragmentation is associated with another assumption we seek to deconstruct: language learning is chiefly focused on the content of what it is taught. We understand that teaching is not only grabbing content; it is also a practice of building relationships. So, teaching language should then be a practice to be re-engineered around multilinguism, i.e. the acceptance of diversity. Comparing languages as a methodological strategy let us draw hypotheses which can then be validated on linguistic software to generate specific knowledge. Thus, in this work we seek to examine the Spanish and the French adjective from a morphological approach and process them automatically to show their distinctive features.


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How to Cite

Silberztein, M., Rodrigo, A. F., & Harriet , S. . (2022). Advances in the morphology of the adjective in spanish and french: a pedagogical application of the NooJ platform. Aprendo Con NooJ, (2).




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