IMF’s impact on Argentina

using Nooj to automatically analyze the print media literature on Argentina’s debt affairs


  • Carmen González CETEHIPL, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNR, Argentina



IMF, automatic processing, NooJ, mediatization, automatic analysis, Rioplatense Spanish


This work seeks to examine the automatic processing of a corpus of newspaper articles within the framework of the Centro de Estudios de Tecnología Educativa y Herramientas Informáticas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje (CETEHIPL). The articles were selected from three Argentine newspapers with a strong focus on economic, financial and business matters: El Cronista, Ámbito Financiero and El Economista. These articles are written in Rioplatense Spanish and were published after the Argentina’s 2021 mid-term elections. Our goal is to fully analyze and understand where it is placed their focus of attention, and how the post pandemic effects on the Argentine economy are reflected at the discourse level. We are acquainted with the fact that our corpus is certainly intersected by a media-related logic. According to Hjarvard [2], “media play a relevant role in transforming culture and society”. We started from the dictionaries and grammars elaborated by our IES_UNR team based on the NooJ platform, Silberztein [4]. Therefore, two semantic fields were established, one related to the pandemic and the other to economic problems such as poverty, restrictions, devaluation and, of course, Argentina's debt with the IMF. In terms of perspectives, we are planning to add other Argentine reference newspapers to our corpus.


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Bès Gabriel G. (1999): La phrase verbale noyau en français. En: Recherches sur le français parlé, Volume 15.

Hjarvard, Stig: Mediatización: La lógica mediática de las dinámicas cambiantes de la interacción social. In: La Trama de la Comunicación, vol. 20, núm. 1, enero-junio 2016, pp. 235- 252 Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina. (2016). Available at: Last accessed 20 January 2021

Rodrigo, A. (2013). Análisis automático de textos: El sintagma nominal núcleo. Ediciones Juglaría. Rosario.

Silberztein, M.: Formalizing Natural Languages: The NooJ Approach. Iste Ediciones, London (2016)

El economista, último acceso 31 de mayo de 2024

Ámbito financiero, último acceso 31 de mayo de 2024

El cronista, último acceso 31 de mayo de 2024

Software NooJ, disponible en Association ( último acceso 31 de mayo de 2024

Spanish Module_Argentina: Resources ( ultimo acceso 31 de mayo de 2024



How to Cite

González, C. (2024). IMF’s impact on Argentina: using Nooj to automatically analyze the print media literature on Argentina’s debt affairs. Aprendo Con NooJ, (4).




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