Formalización y tratamiento automático del adverbio en quechua
adverb, Quechua, adverbial inflection, adverbial derivation, NooJAbstract
In many languages, such as Spanish, adverbs do not inflect neither they derive, whereas in Quechua they do. Indeed, in Quechua there exists a specific set of suffixes that enables to obtain these inflections and derivations using only one suffix. In this article, after building a Boolean matrix of the grammatical binary combinations of these suffixes, I show how to obtain the paradigms which automatically generate the new adverbial forms, first including two suffixes and then three suffixes. Moreover, I also explore the formalization of multi-word adverbial units (MWAU); I show that the syntactic behavior of a compound adverbial form is strictly dependent on the inflection and derivation properties of the individual grammatical categories that compose it. By working with the NooJ linguistic platform, I present some graphic grammars that make possible to automatically generate these transformations and to annotate texts. I conclude with the presentation of our first multilingual electronic dictionary of simple QU adverbs for NLP.
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