Rhetorical analysis techniques in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy





digital codes, communication models, theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, virtual communication


The diversity of languages of the digital real has led to the creation of new communication models which incorporate formal, synthetic, and approved-by-areas codes for smart communication. The emblem of our society is the Mood virtual communicator: this replaces words and sentences with algorithms and acronyms. Our course of direction is heading inexorably towards digital codes that transmit pre-established semantics generated by a fixed sentence. Thus, it makes sense to discuss communication styles. And what does education consist of? Although we can take sides with fixed and standardized synthetic communication, we also call for respect for traditional and cultural values in individual societies. Still, we call into question the methodologies of study and reference models, which are currently used for virtual communication. The disciplines of theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, mathematics, quantum physics, sociology, psychology, pedagogical theories, and other related subjects are all included in Social Sciences and Digital Media. This work aims to present an unwavering logical progression that transitions from normative grammar to formal grammar to then examine the features of a poetic text, such as Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, from several perspectives.


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How to Cite

Bucciarelli , R., Rodrigo , A. F., Enriquez, J. J., & Franceschini, S. (2024). Rhetorical analysis techniques in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Aprendo Con NooJ, (4). https://doi.org/10.35305/an.vi4.27




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